Our Practice Areas

Car Accidents


Car accidents have multifaceted impacts on individuals, communities, and nations at large. On a personal level, they can result in physical injuries, psychological trauma, and even loss of life.


West Texas

Car Accident Attorneys

In the event of a car accident injury where you're seeking compensation for your losses and injuries caused by the incident, reach out to the Texas car accident lawyers at Malone Legal Group today. Our accomplished attorneys specialize in car accident cases and have successfully assisted numerous clients in Texas or for over four decades, ensuring they receive fair compensation.

Our Texas car accident attorneys specifically cater to those who have sustained severe injuries, disrupting their daily lives. If your injuries from a car accident are impeding your ability to resume normal activities, return to work, or if a family member has tragically lost their life due to such injuries, it's crucial to consult with the car accident lawyers at Malone Legal Group.

In situations where another driver's insurance coverage falls short of adequately addressing your injuries and damages, it's important to examine whether your vehicle offered proper crash protection for its occupants. Our Texas car accident attorneys are well-versed in auto defect litigation, ensuring our clients receive their due compensation within the bounds of the law, even if the at-fault driver's insurance is insufficient.

When confronted with severe injuries and uncertainty, don't hesitate to contact Malone Legal Group. We will meticulously investigate your case, identifying all parties responsible for your injuries. Our Texas car accident lawyers possess the ability to delve beyond the actions of the other driver, assessing the performance of components such as tires, seatbelts, airbags, and occupant protection systems. If your injuries were exacerbated or caused by a vehicle defect, we can take action against the vehicle manufacturer, securing the compensation needed for your recovery.

Car Accident Statistics

Preventing car accidents in Texas in the future– and saving countless lives –  starts with spreading awareness and education about traffic collisions. Keeping up with the latest car accident statistics in Texas can help the community determine what causes these accidents and how to stop them from occurring. Based on the latest data from Texas Department of Transportation, 244,092 persons were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2022. One person was injured every 2  minutes 9 seconds, and a reportable crash occurred every 57 seconds.

There were no deathless days on Texas roadways in 2022. One person was  killed every 1 hour 57 minutes, Including: 

  • 562 motorcyclists were killed 
  • 828 pedestrians were killed 
  • 1163 killed in DUI crashes 

In 25.9 % of fatal motor vehicle accidents, in 2022, the driver was under the influence of alcohol. 

If you were seriously injured, or if a loved one died in a car wreck, the last thing you want to worry about is fighting with the insurance company over fair compensation. It can be tempting to accept the first offer the insurance company  presents just to get it over with. Unfortunately, that offer is often far below the  amount of compensation you will need to cover medical expenses, ongoing  medical care, lost wages, and other costs. Let us make it right.  

Malone Legal Group, PLLC helps you recover the full financial damages you deserve. No matter what type of auto accident your case involves, you can trust us to fight for your best interests. We will take care of your legal needs, so you can focus on your recovery and on taking care of your family.

We handle motor vehicle cases involving: 

  • Truck accidents 
  • Motorcycle accidents 
  • SUV rollover 
  • Car accident victims of drunk drivers 
  • Motor vehicles colliding with bicyclists, pedestrians, or scooters 

In the unfortunate event that you are in an accident, we provide information about what to do after a car accident. We want to help clients through the process of  recovering from a car accident physically, mentally and financially, starting from  the very beginning. In the aftermath of a serious crash, trust us to help you  through the next steps. We offer free initial consultations so you can get the  answers you need at no cost, risk, or obligation.


Injured in West Texas? We can help

Car accidents can be traumatic events that have a profound impact on individuals physically, emotionally, and financially. Whether you're a driver, passenger, or pedestrian involved in a collision, knowing how to navigate the aftermath is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the various aspects of dealing with a car accident, from immediate steps to long-term considerations.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Texas

Car accidents are a frequent occurrence on roads worldwide, often resulting from a multitude of factors. Understanding the common causes of car accidents is essential for promoting road safety and preventing future collisions.

Distracted Driving: Activities like texting, talking on the phone, eating, or using navigation systems divert the driver's attention from the road, leading to accidents.

Speeding: Driving above the posted speed limits or too fast for road conditions reduces reaction time and increases the severity of accidents.

Impaired Driving: Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction times, significantly increasing the risk of accidents.

Reckless Driving: Aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, and disregarding traffic signals contribute to accidents.

Weather Conditions: Texas' unpredictable weather, including rain, snow, and fog, can create hazardous driving conditions and result in accidents.

Mechanical Failures: Vehicle defects or poor maintenance can lead to brake failures, tire blowouts, and other issues that result in accidents.

What To Do After A Car Wreck

Experiencing a car wreck can be a frightening and disorienting experience. However, it's crucial to stay calm and take certain steps to ensure your safety and protect your legal rights. Here are some tips on what to do after a car wreck:

  1. Check for Injuries and Call 911 if needed.
  2. Move vehicles to a Safe Location.
  3. Call Law Enforcement.
  4. Exchange Contact and Insurance Information.
  5. Document the Scene with Photos.
  6. Notify Your Insurance Company.
  7. Seek Medical Attention, even for minor injuries.
  8. Keep Records of Expenses.
  9. Consider Consulting with an Attorney.
  10. Follow Medical Advice and Keep Your Attorney Updated.

car accident attorneys Lubbock, TX

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can result in a variety of injuries, ranging from minor bruises to severe, life-altering conditions. Understanding the common types of injuries that can occur in car accidents is essential for recognizing symptoms and seeking appropriate medical care. Here are some common types of car accident injuries:

We also help clients fight for compensation for nonphysical injuries. Texas law allows plaintiffs to demand compensation for their emotional, mental, and psychological suffering as well as their physical pain and economic losses. Our firm may be able to help you seek a fair amount for your pain and suffering,  emotional damages, anguish, grief, distress, and post-traumatic stress disorder after a bad accident.

Types of Car Accident Compensation

In the aftermath of a car accident, victims may be entitled to various types of compensation to cover their losses and damages. The specific types of compensation available depend on the circumstances of the accident, the extent of the injuries, and the applicable laws in the jurisdiction where the accident occurred. Here are some common types of car accident compensation:

  1. Medical Expenses: This includes compensation for all medical costs associated with the accident, such as hospital bills, surgery expenses, doctor's visits, medication costs, rehabilitation, and therapy.

  2. Lost Wages: If the accident results in the victim being unable to work, they may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. This can include wages lost during the recovery period as well as any future earning capacity affected by the injuries.

  3. Property Damage: Victims can seek compensation for damage to their vehicle or other personal property as a result of the accident. This typically covers the cost of repairs or replacement of the damaged property.

  4. Pain and Suffering: Compensation may be awarded for the physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish experienced as a result of the accident and the resulting injuries. This type of compensation is often more subjective and may vary depending on the severity of the injuries and their impact on the victim's life.

  5. Wrongful Death Damages: In cases where the accident results in a fatality, the surviving family members may be entitled to compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and loss of companionship and support.

  6. Punitive Damages: In cases where the at-fault party's actions were particularly reckless or egregious, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.

Statute of Limitations for Filing A Claim in Texas

Typically, in Texas, the statute of limitations for car accident claims involves a two-year timeframe from the accident date for filing a personal injury lawsuit, and three years for property damage claims. However, if a government entity is involved, the window shrinks to just six months for filing a claim. Failing to adhere to these timeframes could result in the forfeiture of your right to seek compensation.

Therefore, it's crucial to reach out to proficient car accident lawyers, such as those at Malone Legal Group, promptly after the accident. This proactive step is essential to ensure the preservation of your legal rights and the pursuit of the rightful compensation you are entitled to.

Building A Strong Claim In Car Accidents

Building a strong claim in a car accident case is crucial to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries, damages, and losses. Here are steps you can take to strengthen your claim:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: After a car accident, your health and safety should be the top priority. Even if you don't believe you were seriously injured, it's essential to undergo a thorough medical evaluation. Prompt medical attention not only ensures that you receive necessary treatment but also creates a documented record of your injuries, which can be crucial evidence in your claim.

  2. Document the Accident Scene: If you are physically able to do so, gather evidence at the accident scene. Take photographs of the vehicles involved, the damage sustained, any visible injuries, skid marks, road conditions, traffic signs or signals, and the surrounding area. Collect contact information from witnesses who saw the accident occur.

  3. File a Police Report: Contact law enforcement and report the accident. When the police arrive, provide them with accurate information about the accident. The police report will document key details of the accident, including the date, time, location, parties involved, and any citations issued. Obtain a copy of the police report for your records.

  4. Keep Detailed Records: Keep thorough records of all expenses and losses related to the accident, including medical bills, receipts for medication and medical supplies, vehicle repair estimates or invoices, rental car expenses, and any other out-of-pocket expenses. Also, keep track of any missed work days and the impact of the accident on your daily life and activities.

  5. Follow Medical Advice: Attend all follow-up appointments with your healthcare providers and follow their recommended treatment plans. Failure to comply with medical advice could be used by the insurance company to argue that your injuries are not as severe as claimed.

Our experienced attorneys, Matthew & Valeri Malone are dedicated to establishing the negligence of the other driver and securing the compensation you're entitled to. It's crucial not to accept any settlements offered by insurance companies before consulting a reputable attorney. Seeking guidance from an experienced car accident attorney is paramount following an accident. Insurance companies are more focused on safeguarding their interests than ensuring you receive proper compensation for medical expenses and related trauma. They may attempt to provide minimal payments or evade payouts entirely. Agreeing to settlements without legal consultation could result in inadequate offers that omit rightful damages such as future medical costs, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.

Car Accident FAQ's
What Actions Should Be Taken Immediately After A Car Accident?

If you're involved in a car accident, it's important to stay calm and take the following steps immediately:
• Check for Injuries
• Move to a Safe Area
• Turn on Hazard Lights
• Exchange Information
• Document the Scene
• Contact the Police
• Notify Your Insurance Company
• Seek Medical Attention
• Cooperate with Authorities
• Gather Witness Information
• Stay Calm and Avoid Blame
Remember that the specific steps might vary depending on your location and the severity of the accident. The priority is to ensure the safety of all individuals involved and to gather the necessary information for insurance and legal purposes.

What Is the Value of My Car Accident Claim?

The value of your car accident claim is contingent on various factors, including the extent of your injuries, the damage sustained by your vehicle, and the liability of the other driver involved. An experienced car accident attorney is equipped to assess your unique circumstances and offer a more accurate estimation of the potential value.

The compensation you can seek for your claim hinges on aspects like your past and anticipated medical expenses, the costs of required treatments, and the impact of any pain and suffering endured. Several other factors can also influence the overall amount you might recover from your claim:
• The income lost during your incapacitation period.
• The effect of your injuries on your future earning capacity.
• The necessity for home modifications to accommodate your injury-related needs.
• The presence of permanent disfigurement, scarring, disability, or loss of bodily function resulting from your injury.

To secure the rightful compensation, it's advisable to consult our proficient lawyers at Malone Legal Group. Our dedication lies in maximizing the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Moreover, we strive to alleviate your stress during this challenging period by offering a concierge service that handles communication with insurance companies and auto body shops on your behalf.

Is it Recommended To Pursue Medical Treatment Following a Car Accident, Despite Feeling Unharmed?

Even in the absence of noticeable injuries, seeking medical attention is crucial. Certain injuries, like whiplash, might not manifest immediately. Delaying treatment could potentially impact your ability to secure compensation for any injuries sustained. With the assistance of a knowledgeable car accident lawyer, you can access necessary medical care and ensure the safeguarding of your legal rights.

How Can I Determine if I Have a Valid Car Accident Claim?

If you've been involved in a car collision resulting in serious injuries or loss of life, you might have the opportunity to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and emotional distress. To assess the viability of your claim, you'll need to establish that the other driver or party involved acted negligently and breached their duty of care. Indications of this negligence by the other driver may encompass:
• Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
• Operating the vehicle while distracted
• Making illegal maneuvers
• Recklessly exceeding speed limits
• Engaging in other unlawful or reckless behaviors

What Texas Cities Can We Handle Your Car Accident Case?

How Malone Legal Group
Can Help You With Your Car Accident Case

Expert Legal Advice: Our experienced attorneys can offer professional guidance on the legal aspects of your case, ensuring you understand your rights, potential courses of action, and the legal process.

Case Evaluation: We will carefully assess the details of your accident, evidence, and injuries to determine the strength of your case and advise on the best strategy to pursue.

Gathering Evidence: Our team will gather crucial evidence, including accident reports, witness statements, medical records, and any other relevant documentation to build a robust case.

Negotiation: We will engage in negotiations with insurance companies, at-fault parties, and their legal representatives to secure a fair settlement that compensates you adequately for your losses.

Maximized Compensation: Our goal is to ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve, covering medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and more.
Litigation Support: If a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, our skilled litigators will represent you in court, advocating for your rights and presenting a compelling case to a judge and jury.

Managing Paperwork: We will handle the complex paperwork and legal documentation, ensuring that all deadlines are met and all necessary documents are properly filed.

Communication: Our lawyers will communicate with all relevant parties on your behalf, relieving you of the stress of dealing with insurance adjusters, opposing attorneys, and other involved parties.

Objective Advice: Emotions can run high after an accident. Our attorneys offer an objective perspective, helping you make informed decisions that are in your best interest.

Protection of Rights: Your rights will be safeguarded throughout the process, ensuring that you are not taken advantage of by insurance companies or opposing parties.